Military Backpack 40l – Durable and Versatile Outdoor Gear
This military backpack is designed to withstand all conditions during your outdoor activities. Made from tough oxford fabric (600D encryption), this backpack is highly resistant to abrasion. Wherever you go, this backpack will accompany you through all your adventures.
Ultimate Storage Capacity – Ideal for Hiking and Camping
With a generous 40-liter capacity, you have ample storage space for your belongings. Whether you’re hiking, camping, or traveling, this backpack will be your perfect companion. Don’t worry about the rain, as this backpack features a waterproof PVC coating that will protect your items even in wet weather.
Customizable Design – Modular and Multifunctional
This military backpack is equipped with numerous storage pockets for optimal organization. Some of these pockets are detachable and modular, allowing you to customize your storage space according to your needs. No need to search for your belongings, everything will be within reach.
Technical Specifications of the Military Backpack 40l
- 40-liter capacity
- Dimensions: 46cm*40cm*23cm
- Material: 600D encryption oxford fabric (high resistance)
- Weight: 1380g
- Waterproof: A+ waterproof and PVC hydrophobic coating
This military backpack offers comfort and durability for all your outdoor adventures. With padded back support, adjustable straps, and multiple compartments, it provides a secure and convenient carrying experience. Perfect for hiking, camping, cycling, and more. Don’t miss out on this versatile and reliable backpack!